I've had many friends say, 'You do so many fun things, how do you know about them all?' or 'Let me know when you hear about something fun happening'
So I created a blog with the fun things that I hear about and do. Just click on a label...like 'Halloween 2015' and you will see Halloween events or click on 'Free' to see free events.
Also, for the 'Reviews' I am giving my honest opinion...I do not receive free tickets to places or events.

I will be updating with reminders to sign up for certain events so make sure you Follow the blog.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Utah Governor's Mansion (Kearn's Mansion) Free Tours All Summer

I LOVE history...I just finished a book about the Kearns Mansion now known as the Govenor's Mansion. I remembered taking a tour of this building in like 4th grade which was centuries ago! We are planning to go next week...I hope my kids will learn to love the beauty of historical buildings/places.

Tours are only offered...June, July, August & December
Tuesday & Thursday 2pm-4pm
603 E South Temple (parking is located East of the Govenor's Mansion behind the Utah Arts Council)

So if you are thinking of heading downtown....you should definitely swing by this beautiful home.

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