I've had many friends say, 'You do so many fun things, how do you know about them all?' or 'Let me know when you hear about something fun happening'
So I created a blog with the fun things that I hear about and do. Just click on a label...like 'Halloween 2015' and you will see Halloween events or click on 'Free' to see free events.
Also, for the 'Reviews' I am giving my honest opinion...I do not receive free tickets to places or events.

I will be updating with reminders to sign up for certain events so make sure you Follow the blog.

Monday, November 8, 2010

12/1/10 - Church History Museum

In December, the LDS Church History Museum will feature storytelling, living history pioneers, and a daily craftmaking station for children. A special exhibit, "Christmas Creches from around the World," will feature nativity scenes created by international artisans. The Church History Museum is open weekdays from 9:00am to 9:00pm and Saturday and Sunday from 10:00am to 7:00pm. The museum will be closed on December 24 & 25.

For more information, call 1-801-240-4615 or visit http://lds.org/churchhistory/museum

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